Thursday, April 24, 2014

Brieann Hathaway

Aa you just witnessed, Brieann is a babe! And her outfit is kicking us into warmer weather! Love it and Love her!

Stay BeYOUtiful 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Kelsey Webster

Easter may be over but I am still all over the pastel colors! Go get yourself a floral shirt today! You'll thank me :)

Stay BeYOUtiful!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Caitlin Low

I had to throw this in because I took Caitlin's grad announcements. Look how cute she is!?

LOVE these BOOTS!!

As you can see because pictures say 1000's words Caitlin is adorable and gorgeous and in every way someone you want to talk to and hang out with. 

I hope you have a very happy birthday Caitlin! And CONGRATS on graduating!!!